Aaron Coe
The son of a chorister and a timpanist, Aaron Coe has been singing and performing since the age of five. A lifelong multi-instrumentalist, he has performed as a timpanist and percussionist with nearly a dozen orchestras and wind ensembles while living in Central California. He also sang with the San Joaquin Delta College choir and chamber choir, most notably in a production of William Walton’s Belshazzar’s Feast with the Stockton Symphony Orchestra. An aspiring basso profundo, Aaron joined the Central Oregon Mastersingers in 2014 for the debut of then-director Clyde Thompson’s original work We Have Spoken. He was later tapped as a soloist for a performance of R. Vaughan Williams’ Serenade to Music with George Hanson’s Sunriver Orchestra. As a contemporary guitarist, he often leads music-themed worship at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Central Oregon along with his wife, Amy Falkenrath. |